Tuesday, May 27, 2008


"Because I loved you"

I have to say that my perceptions of christians or the 'pop culture' christians are very bad. It has come as quite a blow realizing that some of the faith that I hold dear would go as far as banning someone from coming from their church based on the fact that the person made them uncomfortable.

I am further frustrated with 'christians' as being people who do not want to go outside their comfort zones. Remaining in tight circles that only include other christians, only listening to christian music, etc.

Here is my statement: Didn't God call us to go OUT into the world and LIVE for HIM? The only way that we are going to reach anyone in an honest way is not to stay in our cliques. We need to go out and experience the world so that the world will understand what we have to offer. The best witness? Living your life for God, being compassionate, getting into uncomfortable situations, being real, becoming friends with the world, growing in your personal faith and allowing yourself the freedom to explore how deep you can get into God. I believe that God is very compassionate. I believe that He has the power (way over our understanding) to do anything He wants and sees fit to do. We cannot control Him however much we may pray or go to church or only listen to christian music... I believe that He wants everyone. And He wants them the way they are... The one thing that He wants more than our 'spotless' living is our hearts loving on Him. Us giving Him attention and devotion and sharing that love and acceptance with everyone that we come into contact on a daily basis. Meet them on their level with their experiences. Above all, love them unconditionally as you believe God loves you.

The worst? Telling someone that what they believe is wrong. How dry and unfulfilling would the world be if everyone believed the same thing, or spoke the same or had the same laugh? Who are we to tell one another to believe the same thing? All we have are experiences. Nothing is concrete, no one learns the exact same way, or experiences the same thing the exact way as someone else. We need to be accepting people, understanding people, patient people, people that other people want to talk to rather than run away from us because they think we are going to shove our 'faith' down their throats.

I can't tell you how angry I am about people banning people from church or saying that not going to church is a sin. These people have no idea of what kind of image they are putting forth and how revolting this type of faith is to the rest of the world. I refuse to be apart of this kind of christianity.

I believe that I am loved unconditionally and that love is available to anyone at anytime by God. I want be called something that means truly what I believe. The word 'christian' does not describe me in this modern world.

I am a real Christ believer. What do we call that?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A tragic Happening...

My poor little red phone is no more. After its bout with the washing machine yesterday at about 4:30pm all it will do is vibrate. Poor little guy. At this time I am unable to access the numbers and contact information it still has on it, but if it dries out enough the sales people at Sprint say that they might be able to access the information if the phone will turn on. I'm hoping for that! In the meantime, I need your digits... please send them along to my email! Thank you.

So, the new phone was 'born'. It is a beautiful green phone, as you can see, I think we will become very good buddies. It is beautiful.