Thursday, May 18, 2006

Maybe I should keep this to myself... Then again, maybe not.

Has anyone heard of HPV? The virus that causes cervical cancer after many years of going untreated? Come on... Anyone? I believe they even have a public service announcement playing on some broadcasting stations. This being said... I found out after my last pap that it came back abnormal. The other testing that I go through came back negative, but finding that my normal routine check up showed something abnormal, it freaked me out a bit. I was briefed on the causes and possible results of further testing. They said that I was a 'mid-severe' case and that they wanted me in as soon as I could. Having no money and no health insurance at this time I was over joyed when I found out that they had a grant to pay for the procedure, and even more happy when I found out that I qualified for it. They performed a colposcopy which resulted in a biopsy which came back with the information that indeed I had HPV. I scheduled an appointment for a LEEP procedure, which is today at 2pm. Am I nervous? Yes. But I'm thankful that what they found was a small amount of the virus. Although severe, it hadn't gone into the cancerous stages yet. And they are able to remove the infected areas without much effort or concern of it coming back. Yay! Praise God!

Matt has been very supportive. I couldn't have asked for a better guy/boyfriend/potential husband.

Just thought you all should know. :-)

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