Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And She said Ouch!!!!

This is the event that awaited me 20 minutes after getting to work this morning. Stupid work, Stupid sign, Stupid razor blade!

Got to work started to peel vinyl off of a sign. I decided that it was too much to just peel so I went and got a razor blade to help with the process. As I was scraping the vinyl off I decided to go and get a new blade to see if it would help take the vinyl off easier. Well... the blade stuck and then gave way. I felt it hit my arm but didn't know how bad until I opened my eyes. There were huge drops of purple/red blood on the sign. I looked at my arm and thought "Sh**!" I ran to the bathroom and started to wash it out where even more blood came gushing out of the wound on my wrist. As I'm seeing the blood rush out of my wrist I'm hoping that I didn't cut anything vital like the 'suicide' vein(s) or any tendons. I grab paper towels and run to the owner's office (Brian) and tell him that I "think I need to go to the emergency room". Brian asked Jen to take me, and off we went. We stopped at a near by clinic and while the nurse said that the bleeding had been controlled by the pressure that I was putting on the wound, that they couldn't have anyone see me right then and to head to the ER in downtown St. Paul. Back in the car we went and headed down to the ER of United hospital. Matt met me there and stayed with me throughout the ordeal of getting stitches, cleaning and a tetnus shot! I was terrified. I am extremely afraid of needles and shots. So, the cut wasn't so bad when thinking about a needle and thread going in and out of my skin. Ick, ick, ick.

The PA (physician's assisstant) was really cool. We talked about the TV show LOST as she put numbing stuff on the wound along with the stitching up part.

I'm doing well. My arm is sore from the Tetus shot, along with the wrist that contains 8 stitches in beautiful black thread. :) It was quite a cut. As you can see from the pictures.

What a way to start a Wednesday!


Monday, October 09, 2006

In need of some tear jerking laughter!

Yes, I've seem to run into some dry ground lately. It's not cool being sick. Matt and I are both sick, and it sucks! Share your hilarious stories please! The big ones so far (and you might have to talk to the sharers to hear them properly... but still very very funny) Mark's escape from the dogs on the way to school (this is classic told by heather), The woman who didn't know how to drive involving Nick, Amy, and a school bus (told by Amy), The story of me locking myself and Caleb in a frozen shut car (told by me), Heather's recap of her trip alone through a car wash Under the title 'embarrassed all over again'. (which isn't really funny, seriously heather. ;) ), That one time at bible study when everything involved poo... there are a lot of funny things that have happened with my friends. I love them dearly for it.

But I do have to tell you about my wonderful husband to be. He's a very smart man, however, day to day things sometimes elude him. But this makes me fall in love with him even more, even if, at times, it is a little frustrating. Here are a few things: I put on a tank top and immediately Matt said that he loved the color on me, and that he's never seen me wear it before. I didn't say a word as I pulled up a picture of me on our Texas trip. Classic. The next one, I forgot to give Amy her birthday card. Matt said "she had a birthday?" I said "Yes, Nick gave her a birthday party." Matt said "Did we go?" (We hadn't because we were in the car on the way home from my parents after a weekend where we brought all the kids up to see my parents place and to meet a few of my relatives who live near by, so of course we couldn't have gone.) Yes, this is just one of the many reasons why I love this man.