Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I was ridiculed for my incredibly long eyelashes...

The day started off bright and cheery. Hopes of getting Christmas shopping done arose with the sun beams streaming in through my 4 season porch bedroom. It's really quite beautiful in here those sunny mornings.

A quick breakfast was eaten and into the shower I went. An hour of getting both parties ready along with a phone call to mom asking what the boys/uncles were wishing for Christmas. The little one and I headed to the car in hopes of a quick painless day of final shopping.

(Mind you, most of this incident happened while still on the phone) Open the garage door, hit the automatic unlocker. 'flash, flash'. Open little one's door. Open my door.... But nothing. Limp door handle is not good. Remembering that I had just washed the car yesterday I gave a groan. The door was probably frozen shut.
Run to the passenger side door. Nothing. Back passenger side door. Nothing. A swift hit to the door with my hip. Try it again. Opens! Yay! Climb through car to start it and to get the 'heat' blasting away at the frozen doors. Climb through the car again and got out and closed the door. It wouldn't shut. Crap! Fiddle with the door catch. Slam. Fiddle. Slam. Then for good measure: SLAM! SLAM! As if the door felt pain... I then tried to lock the door. It stayed a little bit but it was still open slightly at the top. But I couldn't open the door because the keys were in the ignition. Commence little one into play. "OPEN THE DOOR" I mouthed with hand motions. Little eyes stared blankly at me. "What momma!?" "PULL UP" motioning to the door lock. Nothing. "OPEN THE WINDOW!" An excited look crossed little one's face. Down came the window and I unlocked the door. Fiddle with the door catch again. SLAM! Nothing. SLAM! SLAM! Stupid car... Saw child lock and tried closing the door with it engaged. Works, but still slightly open at the top. Maybe if I get in and close the door it will close tighter. Get in car, slam door shut. It's shut, but still slightly open at the top. I try to open the door. Nothing. Realizing that the child lock is on and I can't open it from inside the car, then realizing that Little one's door also has the childlock on, then realizing that both the front doors are frozen shut I faintly get claustrophobic and realize that we are stuck in the car until the doors unfreeze in the front. I admit defeat and rethink the day's plans, thankful that everything that we need is in the car. I decide to drive to Bloomington (IKEA) and hopefully the car will be warm enough to let it's two imprisoned passengers out.

The drive was rather interesting. One who has a partial door open kind of freaks out at how close cars sound. We arrive at IKEA safely without the partially open door flying open. The car spit us out in happy, joyful laughter.

Upon revealing this story to Matt, I thought to myself. I could've just opened the window and opened the door that way. Then he mentioned the same thing. Yes, I'm a dork. Either way, terribly amusing. I hope you all laughed.

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