Tuesday, December 20, 2005

View the goofiness that is Heather and I

Heather and I have this goofy streak. One that could be amusing to others or maybe immature. Who knows. Our annual cooking making parties have been known for such amusement. Like last year's when we were going to creat an April fools joke concerning the white chocolate dipped pretzels... Something to do with Mayo, pretzels, sprinkles and a freezer. It never really took shape because April fools fell on a day when it would be hard to get together. However the joke has stuck ever since and it was more amusing this year because we let people in our secret. A year holding that secret was awesome! Good job us! Heather did get Nick to eatch chocolate dipped pizza without much effort. It was classic!


Heather said...

I think we're fun. I like us. :)

Melody said...

I like us too. We are fun! :)