Sunday, June 26, 2005

Your public appearance is inspiring

Don't forget the matches...

I love Sunday mornings, it's call to hot coffee in my breakfast nook pouring over the Strib and getting lost in thought about another life, or how others think in comparison to myself... and yet so closely thinking along the same lines... they just know how to put their thoughts down on paper better than I do. Or perhaps they have a faster computer to type their 'inspiring moments' on. Mine takes forever and am always frustrated at the lack of inspiration that I have after I have to wait for eternity to type out my thoughts. What can one do! "WE OFFER THE FASTEST INTERNET AVAILABLE!" Yes, but I don't have the right 'copper' wiring to comply with those standards at my house... So I'm stuck with dial-up. And a roommate whom is in such denial of smoking that it's sickening.

He smokes, and then puts his butts in the plastic garbage can in the kitchen. Cause for fire? Most definately when you place it next to the week old something or other there could be a 'fermented' explosion! Crazy. My roommate, being a guy, is apt to such things I guess. A closet smoker and drinker, what else could one ask for! But it's easier living with a guy than a girl, well for the most part. As I light inscence to ward off the 'guy' smell of booze laced sweat and stale cigarette smoke, I ask myself is this what it's all about? :-p Seeing those words makes me laugh. How could life be about sharing a roof with a closet drunk? How would this pale in comparison to Garrison Keiller's New book on tape, or his up coming movie. Far from comparison, but I guess it all is how it affects you personally.

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