Sunday, October 16, 2005

Avocado pit and wilderness fury

Today I bought my first avocado. Caleb and I went all out for breakfast today: pancakes, panners eggs, egg burrito, coffee, bacon, sliced pear and cranberry juice. All very yummy. I'm still full! We sat down to watch Willy Wonka's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original) which Caleb has never seen. I started to read the Strib. Looking for my favorite Lileks (spelling?) column in the Variety section (if you want to see humor that reflects mine, his column is pretty close to on target) I couldn't find it. Some genius decided that the Strib needed a makeover and now I can't find anything. What the heck is 'Signature' anyway? I read about the teen who plotted and killed his parents, the picture comparison was pretty creepy. The eyes give it away that something went really wrong somewhere. He's defiantly not the same person. You can see it in his eyes.

Along with these stories I found one that made me especially mad. The north woods being built on. And not just a small get away cabin, no, huge cabins with everything that we have in the city, only out in the middle of no where. People buying up Northern MN land and polluting it's beautiful waters and peace with loud motorized toys. I'm not an activist by any means, but camping out on these construction sites to save someplace where the 'Dale Earnhart' or whatever his name is, wanna be hick, big pocketed Jack ass can't destroy and populate, sounds like a pretty damn good idea right now. Can't people go without? What happened to simplicity? Appreciation? Let me tell you, just because you make more money than me doesn't mean that you are more important. You are just the same as me, as the bum on the street. Idiots. The 'I have a title and you don't' attitude doesn't float in my book. Rape is rape, land development is still land development, murder is still murder. No matter who you are or how many zeros you have in your bank account. We are ALL the same.

To get away from it all, why build exactly what you have here? Get an f******* tent that's top quality and canoe out there like the rest of us. Not appealing? Then stay home. Keep your motor exhaust and your castle type 'cabins' out of my North woods.

The article actually said that the problem was keeping the north woods from getting to the point of being like the places that people were trying to get away from. If everyone has a cabin, then there's not going to be a 'get away from it all place'. Understood???

Thank you.

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