Friends, they can make or break you. The people that you allow into your life are, and should be, people that inspire you to be the best you can be, people you know will have your back. That being said I may or may not be adding to gossip with this post. If it is viewed as such or offends party's involved I will remove this post. ;)
I have this amazing friend, he and I borderline on true friendship and the 'what ifs' of the future. I honestly have only felt this insinc with another person about 5 times in my life. Our relationship amazes me and makes me smile. It's full of wit, spark, sarcasm, and most of all trust. We think a lot alike, our values are very similar and that goes for interests too. I value his input and trust him with my life as I'm assured he does the same with me. This is the guy that I thought as the 'creepy guy in the corner' one that I thought would have this amazingly huge crush on me and I wouldn't know what to do about it. As it turns out, he has become one of my closest and dear friends, and it's a beautiful thing. (so much for the creepy guy in the corner theory).
So close, that family and friends have pestered me about 'why we aren't dating', I hate to say it, but I have dumb and shallow answers for this question. In fact, it's because of these people that have spurned conversations between us about such topics. What's awesome is that in these conversations comes great growth and further trust between two people. I can honestly say that no matter what I have to say, and have said, he's going to be there for me. Having that kind of relationship with someone of the opposite sex amazes me. Especially with my colorful past and scarred heart. It's almost unreal, but there it is, a living, growing, healthy relationship.
To answer those pesky questions is hard. Especially when people (many at that) are asking the same question, I start to question it as well. The conclusion? Would we be settling? It would work between us and it would be good. But is it really meant to be? Is there something better? And why should we wait for that? Maybe it's just not the right timing yet, for both of us. All that matters is that we're keeping up with our friendship, it's open, silly, indepth, mind boggling, close, personal, down to earth, grounded, challenging and most importantly healthy. Maybe there is a future for us, but right now I'm enjoying what we have, and am looking forward to whatever life brings. I'm happy and blessed.
Thank you. :) It is time well spent.
Sometimes you just gotta tell people it is none of their business. I got 'why don't you have kids?' before my husband and I adopted. I had to tell a few that it was not their concern. They just would not back off. Jon is right. Whatever it is you have with this guy, enjoy it.
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