Saturday, August 27, 2005

True, it may seem like a stretch, but it's thoughts like this that catch my troubled head when your away when I am missing you to death...

Sometimes there are people who get you. I love that. Knowing that someone can see through me no matter how much I try to be stubburn about hiding myself and acting out, they are still the same, still there, still loving. And that floors me. I love these people, they are my comfort in a stressful world, a place of solitude and safety. Thank you!

In addition, here are some random things that I forgot to add to my 'favorite things' list:
Strawberry Shakes, Fries, and Ketchup
People who make me laugh (with me & at themselves)
Foreign Films like Amelie, Kung Fu Fighting
Indie films like Garden State, Lost in Translation, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
The color Red
Magnetic Poetry
Books about relationships
Connecting with someone
Being able to touch someone's thoughts/heart through word or painting
Dunn Brothers Coffee
Garlic Fries
Making homemade Pizza
The smell of Magnolia trees
Watching falling stars while lying in the grass
Being in a group of close friends
People's mouths, ears, and noses
The way my Creator peruses me
Falling asleep with someone I love

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