Saturday, November 12, 2005

Roommate wanted/NEEDED.

Alright. So maybe I've had enough of this- falling noises from my roommates room, and door slams for no reason other than the fact that he's drunk again. Nothing has ever happened to Caleb or I, but the living situation is drama filled roller coaster here. Yes, I'm looking for a new roommate. Preferably one that knows when to call it quits when drinking, is indeed a Christian or someone who I'm compatible enough to where they aren't draining me. Someone who respects my space, property and can get rent paid on time. Someone who won't interrupt me when I'm head long into a painting, leave their dishes for me to clean up, or eat my food/use my things without asking. Someone who is clean and will help clean around the house.

Or a husband. Yes, that would be nice wouldn't it?

1 comment:

Melody said...

Yes, I know I won't magically be happy with a husband. Remember, I too was married a long time ago. ;) I don't think I have false expectations, just looking for something better than temporary living situations.