Saturday, November 05, 2005

Melody's Favorite song

The question was posed as to what my favorite song was/is, do I have an answer? Yes. Yes, I do. After thoughtful consideration and months away from the song and revisiting it over and over I'd have to safely say that at this moment and probably for the past 3 years the song 'Licorice' by the love cars still gets me. There's just something about it that makes me calm down my busy thoughts and enjoy life.

There is another song that my friend Joe introduced to me and I think that I'll have to agree with him that it's awesome. It also reflects how I view my friends. The song ran through my head Thursday night after an acoustic show 'Roe vs. Pritzl' (Michael Roe from the 'seventy sevens' and Michael Pritzl from 'the Violet Burning'). The friends that I was with at the show are friends of Pritzl, so we went to Naye's Polynesian (great place to hear polka and piano accompanied Kareoke) and hung out with the Michaels, enjoying their company and each others. It was beautiful. I believe the song that is and has been running through my head lately which is Rob Dickinson's 'Intelligent People'. "you've just got to smile and hang out with intelligent people."

1 comment:

Melody said...

It was an amazing show! Hanging out with the guys afterward was amazingly fun as well. (Michael) Roe was fascinated by the polka band and really enjoyed them. It was enlightening watching him enjoy them so much. (Michael)Priztl and I danced briefly as he dared us girls to sing with the piano player. So we did, eventually. Roe left before us, being tired from the drive and such, and left us 'youngens' talking well into the morning. Pritzl is terrified of singing Kareoke! His analogy was this: "Have you ever sang in front of other people before?" My answer: "Yes." His reponse: "Isn't it terrifying!?" Classic.