Monday, October 24, 2005

Craving the silence

Before Caleb I would fill my life up with tons of activities to avoid silence. Now, with the constant pestering from a 4 yr. Old boy I crave it more than anything in the world. I find myself irritated to no patience at all when around Caleb. Talk, talk, talk, talk, pause, drink, talk, talk, talk, talk, fall asleep. It's as if he needs to fill the silence with talking otherwise the world will end.

He made it all day today without watching a thing on TV! We slept in, ate breakfast, headed out grocery shopping, and then carved pumpkins. (They are awesome replicas of Strong Bad and Trogdor!). Even though it was good to do something together, I find myself getting very worn out, very quickly when I'm around him. He follows me everywhere, sometimes he freaks out when I go to the bathroom alone, and gets mad at me when I don't want to do exactly what he wants, or if I say no. Sometimes he'll be watching a movie or TV show and I'll get a phone call and suddenly he's all over me talking to me following me. Grrr!!! Same goes when other people are around. It's frustrating.

I've often wondered why I'm so quiet amongst adults, well, some to most of the time, when Caleb isn't around. And it is what it is, Craving the silence and getting enough time to process life without the shrill sound of 4 yr. Old boy in my ears, thoughts, nerves. In a way I feel bad about not being more outgoing when Caleb isn't around, All I can say to explain is that I'm recouping for another day with him. Silence IS Golden.

1 comment:

Dee said...

I have raised two fairly good daughters and I can tell you kids are going to get mad at you. No matter what you do, it is not going to be right but don't let the temper tantums wear you down. It hurts but sometimes you just have to say no to things then let him know there are consquences to his actions.

I can remember my mother in law telling me she would correct her kids and go to another room and cry because she did not want them to see how she hurt over having to do it. I laughed til it came my turn and I did the same thing.

I never used threats either. I had a friend who was constantly telling her kids that if they did not behave, what she would do but she never did. I did. If I said they were going to be taken out to the car to sit with their dad or my mother in law while I finished my shopping I meant it. I did it once and that ended the tantrums in the store.

But don't worry. this too shall pass. *s*