Thursday, October 27, 2005

Red, as eyes up too late

Yes, I'm getting older. I have known this fact for awhile. Only being 25, and yet aged very finely by the years lived to quickly with many life changing events.

Today I woke up with an incredibly back ache that I chose to ignore. 11 o'clock rolls around and my back totally froze up. No breathing, no moving just splitting pain. Being a month without yoga class may or may not have this affect on my dancer/yoga body. Flexible and bendy, those are the same aren't they? :P I desperately tried to calm my back with yoga moves in the bathroom (on paper towels), I think it helped a sliver. 2 hours later though it was back at the crucial 'I can't breathe' peak and I had to sit down again. This sucks! I'm only 25! I shouldn't be feeling this old yet, should I? I thought over the past couple of days to what I might've done/eaten to cause such pain. I had heartburn yesterday, something that I haven't had since I was pregnant. Hmmm... The likelihood of that being the cause would have to be miraculous conception. However I did take Tums yesterday and felt sick afterward. Those things are about as enjoyable as Zinc Lozenges... Remember those nasty creations! Nothing. Nothing that I've done has been any different than what I do any other day, so my conclusion was that my body is going into shock from no yoga and is trying to tell me to get back into it before my back collapses. Which, I'm assured from dad that it won't, at least it shouldn't.

I painted last night. It felt good. I need a show to spark more works. I have a ton of blank canvas and unopened bottles of paint, I've even cleaned out my basement studio to attract appeal to be down there, painting into the aimless hours of the morning singing and humming to the tuns of 'Halloween, Alaska', 'Iron and Wine', 'My bloody Valentine', And other such random muses. My hopes are high.

1 comment:

Dee said...

You may have a disc out of place. I have that at times and it is how I feel.