Monday, August 15, 2005

Melody's thoughts on Male appearance...

So yeah, keeping up with the latest styles can be hard right? (I'm really supposed to be getting my music together for small group tonight, but I saw this article as I was checking my email and just had to comment!)
Here is the article. I'll copy and paste it and comment on the sections. This article was written by a guy, probably a gay guy (not that I have anything against them) however some of the advice is bias, and mine will be too, just the woman's side if thing, or at least THIS woman. :)

Open up the latest issue of GQ, and what do you see? Guys wearing cool suits, or cool shirts, or cool pants. You see clean-shaven guys with purposefully mussed hair, or guys with artfully carved facial stubble and totally shorn heads. You see guys with shined shoes, guys with subtle jewelry – basically, you see guys with style. Walk through your average mall, and what do you see? Guys who clearly don’t read GQ. These guys pay attention to other guys who, fashion-wise, are stuck in 1987, thus these mall-walkers are, in a sense, trendsetters – albeit most of the trends they set are seriously lame. This isn’t to say you have to emulate a GQ boy to look good, but you’d do well to avoid the following:
The ponytail
If you’re sporting a long ponytail, the general public might think you’re a wannabe hippie. If you’re sporting a medium-sized ponytail, the general public might think you’re too lazy to get a haircut. If you’re sporting a short ponytail, the general public might think you’re a hopelessly out-of-touch record executive. Nicely-styled long hair is perfectly swell – just leave that scrunchie at home.

Melody's thoughts on this: I agree here, unless you are Phil, ponytails are taboo. At least with me, my mom on the other hand was a huge Michael Bolten fan. Eewwww!

The single earring
Back in the ’80s, it was said that if a guy wore only one earring, you could get an idea of his sexual preference depending on which of his lobes was pierced. In the 00’s, if a guy wears one earring, you can get an idea of his lack of taste, regardless of which lobe is pierced. Get both ears pierced and be symmetrical, or don’t get pierced at all. (Note: A single earring often shares a head with a ponytail. This is a situation where two wrongs most definitely don’t make a right.)

Melody's thoughts on this: Refering to the '80's about a style is something to make anyone gag. However the guy only has things half right. If the earring is a dangly one, or a stud, one earring is not sexy. Hoops (small ones at that) are incredibley sexy. Guaged earrings, not my style. I've dated a few guys that I've been incredibly attracted too who only had one small hoop earring. Very sexy in my book-depending on the guy.

Loafers without socks
Sockless loafers with jeans don’t work. Sockless loafers with shorts don’t work. Sockless loafers with anything don’t work. Plus, most loafers don’t breathe well, so if you wear them sans socks, you run the risk of developing toe cheese.

Melody's thoughts on this: Yeah, that's just gross. Unless you are wearing sandals or rubber loafers/garden shoes you should wear socks. Avoid socks with sandals though.

The goatee
A quick refresher course in facial hair terminology: A Van Dyke is a mustache/chin-hair combo, and if you keep it neatly trimmed, it can look very cool. A soul patch is a little blip of hair under your lower lip, and if it’s carved and sized just right, it, too, can be exceedingly hip. A goatee is a blop of hair on your chin, and it isn’t the least bit stylish – it just looks like somebody glued a blop of hair on your chin.

Melody's thoughts on this: Goatees are adorable when they lack the upper lip section, and if properly groomed. I love the soul patch-not too scratchy, not too bushy. Mustaches to me are creepy, also I hate looking at someone who has one while they eat... and seeing hair on their lips... that's gross. Long Goatees are gross too, that really looks like a glob of hair glued on your chin.

The combover
If you develop male-pattern baldness, roll with it. Take what you have, and get it styled so it looks, y’know, stylish. Or, if there’s not enough there to style – and if you have a nicely shaped head – chop it all off. Not only will a total buzz make you look enigmatic and dangerous, but it’ll give you the opportunity to fudge the truth about your scalp: “I’m not going bald – I have tons of hair. I just like the way it looks when it’s shaved.”

Melody's thoughts on this: Yes, combovers are bad, very very BAD! My grandpa has one that starts from one ear and goes to the other... Men who 'embrace' their baldness and go for the close buzzed look are sexy and sophisticated looking. Definate turn on. And let me tell you, I'd run away with Bruce Willis in a minute with his buzzed head!


Anonymous said...

I aggree!

KariBryant said...