Saturday, August 13, 2005

Your concepts of imagery are passionately transparent

Today I thought it would be fun to just put together a list of things that I love, just in case anyone is remotely interested...

Standard (stickshift) cars, every car that I've own has been and I intent to keep it that way.
Music that makes your soul sing, that makes you cry when you are sad, that makes you blissful when you are happy.
My Sony headphones.
My Guitar.
My something high count sheets and my down comforter.
The color of earthy greens and oranges along with cobalt blue.
The boundary waters.
The smell of an old theater.
The smell of new ballet shoes.
The smell of a dance studio.
The smell of coffee.
Painting to music that makes my soul sing and capturing it on canvas.
Going out for coffee at a small coffee shop.
Punch's Neapolitan Pizza.
The Kitty Cat Klub.
My 89.3 'the current' t-shirt.
My car.
Wine, Red wine.
Garlic, spicy tomato sauces, feta cheese on pizza, and gooey brownies.
Caleb's Nose and dimples (also when he starts laughing upon seeing something on TV that amuses him).
Glenwood water.
Just the right paint brush.
Walking into an art store.
Standing in awe of everything in an art supplies store.
Faintly letting my mind be amused with the idea that I could die happy in an art supplies store.
Finding lost CD's like Halloween Alaska! How could I lose you!
Organizing my clutter.
Knowing that I'm good at what I do.
Hanging out with friends, laughing with them, and sharing life. I crave and love community.
Instant photo booths.
My beloved yellow life jacket... :)
Flip flops and bare feet.
Being naked.
Being 'obsessed' with the TV show 'Lost'.
Catching up with old friends.
Allowing myself to get carried away or lost in movies.
Driving down Grand Ave.
Driving through Minneapolis/St. Paul at night.
The first Soft snow.
Spotting falling stars.
Laughter and goofiness.
My Creator.

1 comment:

Internet Street Philosopher said...

Yummy! Pizza and LOST! Cool combination! Nice blog by the way!