Thursday, July 07, 2005

untastefully tactless.

Yes, and yes again. Why I started like that has yet to be determined in my mind... But how it's called 'adrift my thoughts' and it's my place to say whatever I want... Ha! I can do anything I want to on here!

With that being said... My computer and I have a love/hate relationship. I love having, but hate the way it acts. All in all... I need to put it to rest soon to save the sanity of my life and the anguish it has scrounging up enough memory to run my awesome artsy programs... Even the internet seems to be hard for it lately. So that's why this post, that should've been up yesterday, is up today!

I wanted to tell you about this shirt I have...
Notice the picture. I was informed by well meaning friends that the 'M' and 'E' could be inverted therefore saying 'Squeeze 'Em'. Yeah. Great, thanks guys! ;-) However, it does not say that. But still referring to that shirt: Yesterday on my break I went to the holiday store with my co-worker Pete. While we were checking out this older gentleman was standing in front of us. He pays for his things and turns, quite awkwardly toward me. Pete saw none of this because he was too busy checking out. The man comes up to me, and says..."So dear, do you want me to squeeze you?" and give me a half hug. I was utterly and totally stunned. Yes I was wearing the shirt, and Yes, I did say no and had this look of complete disgust and disbelief... Yikes!

It made me wonder if I'll ever wear that shirt again.
Maybe after I wash it a few times...

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